Every Day is an Opportunity to Optimize your Fertility
Congratulations on ordering your bundle!
This bundle will provide you with everything you need to begin the healing process of warming the womb.
I recommend using these products for at least 3 months before "trying" again.

It's Tea Time...
Add 1 Tbsp. herbal blend to a tea infuser or French press.
Pour approx. 1 cup boiling water over the herbs and infuse for 5-15 minutes. Herbs may steep longer than 15 minutes for a stronger infusion.
Remove infuser or strain herbs and enjoy your tea warm, 2-4 cups per day - every day. You may choose to increase the amount in the days before your period if it tends to be painful.
You may add a bit of honey or sweetener as desired.

Soak Away The Stress....
Luxuriate in this detoxifying and relaxing herbal salt bath. A 20-minute soak in this magnesium-rich bath will relax your muscles and draw impurities from your cells.
For each bath, add about 1/4 of the soak to the included sachet bag. Add a few drops of the included oil to the sachet and tie closed.
Toss the sachet into the bath.
Soak for at least 15 minutes, ideally while listening to a meditation or relaxing music.
Soak at least once a week, and ideally twice during the week before your period is due.
Fertility Womb Massage
Ideally, you'll do womb massage at least once a week, but even daily, when done gently, can be extremely supportive.
Pre-menstrual womb massage is highly effective and important. This is why we recommend using our bundle for at least 3 cycles without trying to get pregnant, so that you can do as much invigorating massage as possible to help support uterine health. However, if you think you may have conceived during ovulation, then it's best to wait until you bleed to begin to massage again. However, light and gentle massage with our oils is safe post-ovulation.
I recommend watching the videos below a few times to get the hang of it, but it doesn't have to be exact. It's more important to breath and feel than follow me exactly.
Aim for at least 15 minutes, so that you can really bring your attention inward.
Move slowly, breathe, and bring awareness to both your hands as well as internal sensation.
You might find areas that are more tender than others -- focus on these, but try not to induce pain. Sensation and tenderness is okay, but don't hurt yourself!
Setting Up Your Castor Oil Pack
Fertility Womb Massage
How to Work with Moxa for Fertility

How do I light my Moxa pole?
You can use a candle to light your moxa pole. It might take a while to catch. Light your moxa pole like incense, so that it's lit, but not on fire. If it lights, like fire, then blow it out, and occasionally blow off the ash to reveal the embers.
How do I use the moxa?
Once lit, hold the lit end of the moxa pole about 1 inch from your skin. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR SKIN WITH THE MOXA! Make slow circles with the pole over each point, until it gets too hot, and then move onto the next point, until you've gone over each point about 5 times, aiming for 15 minutes total.
How Often Can I use Moxa?
Especially when it comes to fibroids and endometriosis, moxa is incredibly important, so every day use is impactful, but aim for at least twice a week. If you can do it at least 4 times in the week before your period, that's idea.
If you have or have ever had high blood pressure, only moxa the points that are below the waist.

If pregnancy does occur, this moxa protocol is helpful to prevent miscarriage, in addition to extra time on points Sp3 and K3.
On either side of the spine, about 2 inches from the midline or along the inner scapula line, all the way up and down the back.
Starting at the low back, make slow circles over each point, until it gets too hot, and then move up to the next point.
Ear Seeds
Ear seeds can be used on one or both ears.
They can be used any and every phase of your cycle. Just replace them when they fall off.
You may need a friend or partner to locate the spots for you -
it's okay if the location isn't perfect.
Once the ear seeds are in place, rub and squeeze them whenever you remember.
They will stay on your ears for about a week, depending on how hot it is and how much you sweat. Replace them when they fall off.

YONI STEAMING OR V-STEAMING is a powerful technique that has been used by women across cultures for centuries, in which the steam from a blend of womb-supportive herbs gently permeates a woman’s vagina. This ancient technique is used to promote menstrual-cycle health, overall reproductive health and fertility.
You can perform a steam up to 3 times per week, but our recommendation is 2-3 times per month, ideally at least once during each phase of your cycle (just not the blood phase).
For pain during menstruation, you may want to steam 2 times during the week before your period is due. When you’re actively trying to conceive, it’s best to steam 2-3 times before ovulation.

Wondering Which Supplements You Need?


Increasing fertility with the Wisdom of the Womb

Exploring the fire element, letting go and surrender.

Supporting your body after miscarriage.

Supporting implantation so that pregnancy can occur.
Join the Sisterhood!
Our Be Fertile Facebook Group is an online community of over 10,000 women.
It's a supporive and understanding environment where members can share their experiences, ask questions, offer support and more.

The Fertile Mama Method
The Fertile Mama Method is Ariele's 12-Week Fertility Course in which she dives into specific exploration around endometriosis and unexplained infertility among other diagnoses to support your fertility journey on a deeper level.

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