You Have Already Arrived! And You Are So Welcomed...

The Whole Woman Collective is for every woman who longs for a community in which to show up and be embraced in her wholeness.
In a world that sells "improvement" and "transformation" and "best selves"... this is a community for accepting what is and recognizing that we get to choose, every day, who we want to be in this world.
We'll explore topics like passion and sexuality, body love, money energetics, relationships, both romantic and friendship.
We'll explore our connection to Capitalism and the industries that drive it, like the diet and fashion industrial complexes and of course, the YOUTH industrial complex.
We'll explore the truth around female aging and hormone changes.
Mostly, we will celebrate aliveness in this one beautiful life.
What Is The Whole Woman Collective?
The Whole Woman Collective is a membership community with guests, exclusive products, conversations and support . We will take a deep look at whose rules we've been following, explore the ideas of "true" success, and discuss creating a life in which we can be fully, wildly, ecstatically expressed as the divine women we are.

Private Group Forum
This part of the membership was originally going to be called 'Group Q&A,' and it was honestly the one part of this membership that was making me want to call the whole thing quits.
While I love sharing what I know with you, I want this to be a place where I don't have to or even want to have all the answers. I'd rather be with, sit with, simmer in the questions. When we sit with a question without immediately jumping to knowing the answer, we create space in which often an even more profound, even more expansive, even more "right" solution might arise.
Being with the unknown is what I want the most for this space, so yes... bring your questions. They will be heard and honored and given the space they deserve, but I cannot promise that I will have all the answers.
In my heart, I actually believe that the answers to your deepest questions reside in you alone, but together we can help to arrive at what is possible. I trust that, in community, we can learn things that cannot be known in isolation. I recognize that each of us is an essential part of this collective.

Special Guests & Intimate Conversations
We have the most amazing community of humans doing truly inspiring and incredible work in the world, and we want you to know them too!
While we considered using the word "experts" to describe our guests, we are actually tired of people claiming to be experts.
The most powerful conversations tend to be with people who are humble and will honor the power of not-knowing. Accreditations like academia or status ... they can be important but they're not everything.
We want to hear from and learn from mothers and farmers and thinkers and artists and activists and ... mostly, people who are doing life with aliveness. Expert Aliveness 😉
Monthly Live or pre-recorded conversation with a special guest
Bring your questions and concerns for live discussion
Discussion within the community throughout the month about the topics introduced and discussed
A video archive to look up past topics and events
For the first 200 members...
Become a Founding Member and Save 65% on an Annual Subscription
And Get FREE ACCESS to my Fertile Mama Method Course (valued at $1997) 💕
Why Are We Doing This?
Because We Are Stronger, Together!
“I have devoted my life to empowering thousands of women in overcoming pregnancy challenges through embodiment, integrative healing, and the power of natural solutions. But that's just one small piece of my work. I'm excited to explore with you and share how our work together can impact not just our entire life, but humanity as a whole.”
Ariele Myers
Founder of Wisdom of the Womb, Moon Mother Botanicals, The Fertile Mama Method, The Whole Woman Collective
Let’s get started on YOUR NEXT journey, together!