What are women saying about the Fertile Mama Method
"The gift of empowerment and agency you are giving women is not lost on me."
"I just watched the maiden to mother talks today and I am reeling in the best possible way. The gift of empowerment and agency you are giving women is not lost on me.
I am so grateful I finally decided to take this journey into my womb spirit. I do this thing where I talk myself out of sharing my experience with people because I think, 'oh they're too busy' or 'they don't have time to hear what I have to say', and I keep hearing Ariele saying over and over in the course talks how she wants to 'hear how this work is resonating with you'. So, I'm listening. And finally sharing.
And I want to say that this womb work feels like a dark veil is finally being lifted off of my face to reveal the sun. Showing me how to understand myself in a deeper and more holistic way than I ever have before. I am not attached to any outcomes in doing this work, but I am so happy that I decided to join the Fertile Mama Method, because now I see that it is a way of being that all women should have access to.
- Janet C.

"All of the videos... put my mind at ease."
"My favorite part is the meditation with the warm tiger between my legs LOL without giving too much information away in this response. All of the videos that I watch were so informative and they put my mind at ease. I am 45 in a new marriage and we are calling forth our baby's spirit to conceive this year. For me it's very important to learn about your womb and to get into a space where you practice self care, get in alignment and understand that so above so below. I understand most people's urgency, but you have to get out of the energy of let me hurry up and drink the tea and I'm going to get pregnant ❤️
— Tori
"Next thing I know, I get a POSITIVE!!!"
"So I started following Ariele in March 2020 and my spirit immediately took to her. I started the group in December and although I have not been active, mostly due to work schedule, I have been actively drinking the Fertile Mama and Detox teas, my husband drank the Rooster tea. Definitely fell off from tracking temperatures. I did the womb massage. I also tried to keep my Chi in check!! I did an alkaline detox on my own and I lost 30lbs. Next thing I know, I get a POSITIVE!! Totally unexpected since my husband and I have been trying for about 6years now!! Thank you Ariele for you wisdom and kindness! This has been such a positive experience for me! ❤️❤️ (no pun intended)"
— Nikki, Verified Customer

"I tried getting pregnant for close to a year with no luck. I finally decided to do something about it and purchased a package. I drank the detox tea, fertile momma and had my partner participate as well with the detox and morning rooster tea.
Less than a month later we finally got our positive test. I gave birth to my handsome little boy May 10 of this year. I am completely in love and owe you a thank you for making my dream come true to have our little one in our arms.
May God continue to bless you, your products, your business and all the people you bless with it. Thank you again!! 💙
And please please please ladies don't stop trying and believing, our miracle babies are worth the wait and to not loose hope. My best and blessings to you all. I once was a mommy wishing for my angel bsby to come true 🩵"
— Valeria, Happy Momma
A Note from Ariele:
This course is a culmination of my devotion to the womb, to the Feminine, and to my belief that our fertility journey is an opportunity to dive deep into our spirit's and heart's desire... to really connect with the power of what it means to be a woman on this planet and create from that place... from abundance and joy and self-knowing.
What is “the Wisdom of the womb” as it relates to fertility, other than just drinking the teas?
Even though I know I’m not having more babies, I feel like I’m continually “doing the work,” spiraling in deeper, uncovering, exploring, remaining curious.
Often in life, and often especially in fertility, we may feel like we just want to “figure it all out” … to find the ONE thing that’s going to make the difference.
And while I believe there’s not ANY one thing… I actually see it as EVERY one thing… meaning that everything in our life is an avenue in.
My friend, who is also a womb worker, says she envisions it as a red thread… a red thread that weaves its way through our entire life, our body, our relationships, and yes, directly to our fertility.
So when I say that I’m still doing the work, what I mean is that I keep picking up the thread, seeing where it leads. Every conflict I have with a friend, every stressor I feel about work, every time I experience anger or embarrassment ... I pick up the thread.
I look at my stories. I weave my way back, through childhood, feeling where that particular story resonates, where it resides in my body, how it relates to my experience of fullness.
How does this relate to my expression of myself as a fully expressed woman?
You can choose to pick up the thread the next time you feel the burning of shame. Or the deep pain of victimization. Or the hurt of betrayal. Or the emptiness of not-enoughness. Or the hot fire of anger.
We can call them “triggers” as so often is done in the therapy world. Or we can call them opportunities. Avenues in. This work is available to you, always… it doesn’t have to end, because our experience of life doesn’t end.
If you learn anything from me, I hope it’s that fertility is just life being lived through us…
Fertility is available to us all the time.. It’s just You, fully expressed. And having a baby doesn't always mean that we are fully expressed women.
The Fertile Mama Method gives you the tools to begin (and continue) to explore what that means to you. It will look and feel and BE different for each of you…
And when you are in that flow… not the destination of it all… but in the flow of now, fully expressed… you’ll know. Because it will feel like magic. And you will realize that you are magic.
Since 2005, Thousands of Women Have Trusted Us To Motherhood!
Frequently Asked Questions
You can watch the videos all at once, in just a couple of hours, but it's best to use at least the full 12 weeks to allow your body time to energetically "get" the information.
It's best to do the work for each phase of your cycle while you're in that phase of the cycle, and each cycle will allow you to have a fuller grasp.
So you can watch the videos in just a few hours, but my hope is that you're doing the cycle phase work for the rest of your life!
Ariele Myers is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Board Certified Herbalist, and Integrative Fertility Specialist. She has almost 20 years of experience and the birth of over 10,000 babies with fertility challenged parents to her credit.
From Ariele:
The Fertile Mama Method combines my training as an acupuncturist and almost 20 years of experience specializing in fertility WITH my work in the realm of the Divine Feminine, Woman's Work, Shadow Work, Jungian psychology, archetypes and myths around the Creatrix Mother.
My acupuncture studies were my foundation into this work, and I believe they offer a great foundation and stepping off point.
But the magic of The Fertile Mama Fertility Fix is in the combination of acupuncture theories with the deeper work, the deep dive into the realm of the feminine. I founded and ran Ariele's Apothecary, a Fertility Wellness Center in Hoboken NJ for 10 years until I moved with my family to Boulder, CO.
I am a Certified Alchemiceal Healer and have supported thousands of women in conceiving and becoming mothers. But my most important qualification is that I am a Woman and a Mother. I have felt the connection from my womb to the Earth and back again. I have made the journey from Maiden to Mother. While for me, it felt like a deep calling, which I had to do mostly on my own, searching for what I felt to be true, I want to make it more readily available to you.
In her own words:
I firmly believe our bodies have power beyond what is documented in anatomy and biology textbooks. Science hasn’t even begun to catch up with the capacity of the female body when supported by ancestral wisdom to increase fertility and conception. Many of the thousands of babies in our testimonials were conceived after their mothers struggled against the odds.
While Western Medical fertility "experts" and methods can be helpful, they often rely on potent drugs and extreme manipulation of our organs, eggs, and sperm. Sadly, some doctors can be discouraging to the point they say they can’t help you conceive, even with the most advanced medical intervention.
In contrast, I often remind my patients and customers that their own bodies are perfect, and that infertility is often a symptom of living in a time when the "Feminine" has been profoundly undervalued. We ignore our intuition and gifts to keep up with the fast-paced reality of our society. We ignore our cyclical nature. When we can get back to basics, our bodies are incredibly capable of far more than we can perceive. Instead of accepting the limits of conventional western medicine, I empower women to dive deeper into the deep well of possibility contained in the womb.
What's missing from the purely scientific approach to our bodies (which is valid and important) is the recognition of the magic and innate wisdom of our bodies.
I help women connect with their own magic to make babies through the use of all natural and organic ingredients as opposed to overpowering drugs. The thousands of beautiful, perfect babies who have come into the world with my solutions are the best indication that our bodies are capable of achieving what doubtful doctors have dismissed.
A lot of products out there just support the physical, and they may be great products. I tend not to compare myself with other teas or fertility products, because anyone can put together a blend of great herbs and have a great fertility product.
I don't lay any claims to the magic of the herbs. I believe that the abundance of Mother Earth is here to support all of us, and while I do believe that I put together a great blend of her powerful herbs, they're not mine to "claim."
Where The Fertile Mama Method differs is that I offer fertility support beyond the physical, seeing what's underneath the energetic that may be causing unexplained infertility or PCOS or endometriosis.
Energetic patterns are often related to inter-generational trauma, early life wounding, ideals around what it means to be a woman, a mother, dealing with our relationships with our partners and so much more.
The teas and oils and bath soaks and yoni steams all "work" -- and honestly, you can blend your own with the same ingredients and they'll work just as well.
That may be all someone needs, but if you're here, my guess is that you understand that there's more involved in fertility than just the physical.
Yes! Whether you are experiencing PCOS, high FSH, fibroids, unexplained infertility, endometriosis, low ovarian reserve, irregular cycles and/or blocked tubes, I have a section that focuses on many of the different diagnosis we may get around infertility, and they each indicate a different pattern of holding in your body.
I help you understand what your diagnosis may mean, and what to focus on specifically to support unraveling the patterns that contributed to your diagnosis.
I love acupuncture and will encourage you to continue to see your acupuncturist. Many of the concepts I discuss are based on the theories of Eastern Medicine, especially the energies around the cycle phases and the elements.
Not all acupuncturists are fertility-specialists, but I believe that as long as you're going to an acupuncturist who went to a 3 or 4 year program (as opposed to like a chiropractor or Physical therapist who went to a weekend course about needling), then you'll be in good hands.
However, The Fertile Mama Method combines my training as an acupuncturist and almost 20 years of experience specializing in fertility WITH my work in the realm of the Divine Feminine, Woman's Work, Shadow Work, Jungian psychology, archetypes and myths around the Creatrix Mother.
My acupuncture studies were my foundation into this work, and I believe they offer a great foundation and stepping off point. But the magic of The Fertile Mama Method is in the combination of acupuncture theories with the deeper work, the deep dive into the realm of the feminine.
This course is for the woman who wants to remember the magic that is her birthright, the power contained in her womb, to remember how to tap into that power... and to be able to create from there.
A woman who wants to remember what it feels like to be the Creatrix of her own life. ❤️
Some women notice a significant change in a cycle that has been unhealthy immediately. Some women feel twinges and shifts in their womb upon drinking the first cup of tea.
If you just drink the teas and do nothing else, you'll probably notice some real positive changes in your cycle and energy within 3 months.
However, the real work is on the energetic emotional level, which then impacts the physical... This is where the value of the course lies.
My hope is that this work can and will serve you for the rest of your life, through multiple pregnancies, into motherhood and beyond.
Being with your womb is like journeying into the woods... you can discover more and more the deeper you venture.
At the end of 12 weeks, you'll have the tools and techniques to continue to do your inner work, to know what to do on the physical level to support your body, and you'll also have access to our Moon Sister Support Team and our Be Fertile Facebook group.
The Sisterhood aspect of the group is the missing piece that is often lost in our lives, and you will have the option to continue to deepen your connection to each other within the group, so that you can be held and seen fully while being held accountable for ownership of your work.
We do recommend some specific Wisdom of The Womb products, as I do feel that the teas and products help your body physically connect with the energy that's needed during each phase of your cycle.
For instance, during the blood phase, when release and letting go is essential for a healthy bleed, the B*tch's Brew Tea supports relaxation of the muscles, calming of the mind and a slight invigorating of the blood.
Each phase's products support that phase. So while you can just do the inner work, I think it's important to help shift our bodies, give our body a little support as well.