JULY 5, 2022
On the way home my thoughts were racing.
The doctor's painful comments still echoed in my head.
I craved the security of my online TTC (“Trying To Conceive”) support group.
For the past 2 years we were like sisters and the group was my emotional lifeline.
I needed to vent about the doctor and warn others to avoid him.
I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm myself until I could log in.
I felt myself relax as I logged in to the TTC support group.
I was so anxious to share my news I didn't notice the trigger warnings.
So when the page loaded…
I was totally unprepared for the 4 BFPs ("Big Fat Positives") and what looked like hundreds of congratulations.
I felt my stomach twist and the queasy feeling that always followed.
How could four women in our small group all be pregnant???
And two of them just joined last month!
I REALLY wanted to be happy for them but couldn’t after my disastrous doctor appointment.
My mouth went dry and I shut down my computer.
Depression, jealousy, and guilt washed over me and filled my heart.
Feeling overwhelmed I crawled into bed to cry myself to sleep.
Little did I know things were about to get worse.
When I woke up it was dark and I heard my husband drive up blasting the radio.
I knew he’d been drinking… again.
The door opened and he stumbled into the house.
“Babe? Are you here?”
When he saw me in bed he grinned and started undressing.
"Sorry I'm a little late. I hope you didn't start without me."
He started humming the striptease song and impersonating a stripagram…
And then… he saw my face.
My eyes were swollen shut from crying and I looked horrible.
Michael's face dropped and he gathered me into his arms.
I told him about the doctor.
The four pregnant women.
How I felt cheated and angry.
And overwhelmed with guilt for resenting those other women.
I told him how much it hurt to see children…
At a store or restaurant,
On the way to and from school,
And even on TV.
My words released the last two years worth of hurt and disappointment.
And I told Michael not to give up hope because…
Most importantly, deep down I KNEW I could get pregnant.
I just needed to find a way to get past whatever was blocking me.
When I was done Michael cleared his throat, "Please don’t get mad, but sometimes I feel like I don't even know you anymore.
You don’t smile… or notice I’m around…
And…usually you act like you're married to the computer instead of me.
When we decided to have a baby, I didn’t think it would be like this."
His voice was soft, but I lost my temper.
"That’s easy for you to say!
From the time I wake up I'm making all the sacrifices!
I haven’t had coffee, a drink, or even dessert in over a year.
I spend hours making all natural food for us,
But you undermine me by eating burgers and fries with the guys…
And going out for drinks!
You’re ruining your sperm count.”
His body stiffened as my voice rose. His voice cracked as he spat the words at me.
"Jess! Stop it!
You’re so obsessed it scares me.
When you schedule our love life based on a chart or your damn periods…
You make me feel like a sperm dispenser.”
“You're so distant now…
I'm worried that after you have a baby you won't have any use for me."
Michael’s words tore through my heart.
Losing him hadn’t entered my mind.
That was the point where I almost lost all hope.
Up to that moment, I truly believed as long as I didn’t give up, I’d eventually end up pregnant.
My brain froze and my heart went through an emotional meat grinder.
Was trying to have a baby going to destroy my marriage?
What if I never got pregnant?
Those two ideas jolted me awake.
I realized I let TTC take over my life and I was headed in the wrong direction.
I needed to get back on track and make up for lost time with my husband.
To make a long story short, I promised Michael I would spend less time online and start living my life again.
Sitting at the computer, I told myself I would quickly let the group know I was taking a break and then log out.
Not wanting to deal with the BFPs, I took a deep breath…
What I saw changed the direction of my entire life.
ALL the women with BFPs were praising Fertile Mama Tea.
Was this the key I was looking for?
When I clicked on the link I was reassured by a ton of gushing testimonials like these:
This was the only thing that worked!! After 3 years of trying for a baby, I had fertile mama tea for a month and was blessed with my little princess in my belly ❤️👶🏽 Out of everything I tried over the years to come out pregnant, this was the only thing that worked!! Now I’m 4 months pregnant and the happiest I’ve been #rainbowbaby #pcos #fertilemama
Felicia -Los Angeles, CA
I was amazed they had so many satisfied customers!
There were so many glowing comments, it took awhile to find information about the actual product.
And to be honest, after reading all of those positive comments I was tempted to
But the skeptic in me pressed on until I found the ingredients tab.
As I looked up each ingredient I grew more and more impressed.
Whoever put this tea together really knew their stuff.
In case you don’t want to spend time looking up each herb…
I did it for you and here’s what I found
Raspberry Leaf - High in nutrients that help cycle health and regularity. Helps tone the uterine lining.
Nettle Leaf - High amounts of vitamins and minerals. Improves blood flow. Helps regulate ovulation and supports liver health to promote hormone balance.
Red Clover Flowers - To improve blood flow. May help produce better eggs and uterine lining for implantation.
Peppermint - Can reduce stress which can lead to infertility. Stimulates reproductive system.
Lemon Balm - Soothing effect. Can reduce stress and anxiety.
Lady's Mantle - Balances hormone levels to help regulate periods and supports ovulation. Tones uterus and relieves menstrual cramps.
Black Cohosh - Can support hormone balance. May help ovaries to produce and release eggs.
Dang Gui - Invigorates and tones the blood. Can regulate the menstrual cycle and increase uterine lining.
Passion Flower - Deeply calming. Can reduce stress and anxiety.
Ginger - Warms reproductive organs to invigorate blood and reduce menstrual cramps.
Dried Pomegranate - Can increase blood flow to the uterus.
Goji Berries - Helps prevent premature ovary failure. May increase sex drive.
With an ingredient list that powerful, I didn't need anything else to convince me.
In fact, I was in such a rush to order the tea, I almost missed a crucial item.
Right above the order button there was a small line of text with a checkbox that said 'Add Fertility Meditations'
When I saw those words, I instinctively knew I needed them.
Plus it would give me something to do until my tea came.
The second I clicked order now I felt a sense of relief…
Like a weight coming off my shoulders.
Looking back, I'm beyond grateful I ordered those meditations.
They were totally different from my “Stress Reduction” and “Think Yourself Into Fertility” meditations.
Instead, Ariele Myers, a Licensed Acupuncturist, Board Certified Herbalist, and Integrative Fertility Specialist explained her interpretation of the four phases of the menstrual cycle:
Each phase was paired with an element from Traditional Chinese Medicine and a season of the year.
And even though I never heard of a four phase cycle before, what Ariele said made perfect sense.
As I listened to her explanation, I felt tension melt from my neck and shoulders…
Which was remarkable since the first track was an overview of the four phases.
It wasn’t even a meditation track!
Tracks 2 through 5 were even better.
Each one was customized for a different phase of my menstrual cycle.
After a brief explanation at the start of each track, Ariele’s soothing voice took me to a magical state of mind.
With each meditation I reconnected with Mother Earth and the fertile thoughts and images I craved.
I felt warmth, hope and energy as Ariele’s meditations became part of my daily routine.
They made me feel like I could accomplish anything.
I quit spending time and energy worrying about getting pregnant.
Instead I let the meditations work their magic.
Getting pregnant and having a baby felt closer than ever.
All I needed was my “Baby Dust” tea.
When my Fertile Mama Tea arrived, I was impressed with the ‘stay fresh’ resealable package and how much tea it held.
The ingredients were clearly listed on the package.
It felt natural and wholesome,..
Straight forward and trustworthy…
Perfect for TTC women.
This may sound odd, but my Fertile Mama Tea was like a long lost security blanket… keeping me safe from endless TTC and infertility stress.
As I opened the bag, the subtle smell caught me by surprise.
The pleasant scent was the opposite of the undrinkable Chinese fertility teas I tried in the past.
Unlike the weird smelling, faded and dusty looking leaves in other teas,
The Fertile Mama herbs looked freshly dried…
And smelled like a meadow after the rain.
I FELT more fertile as I inhaled the soothing green fragrance with mint overtones.
I couldn’t wait to taste it and savor my first mug.
As it steeped, I breathed in the soothing fragrance and thought about baby dust.
When the tea was cool enough to drink I adopted a Fertile Mama mindset,
Took a deep breath,
And tried a sip.
It tasted like a soothing herbal bedtime tea.
Relaxing… mild… and comforting.
In between sips I took relaxing deep breaths…
I tried to visualize fertile energy flowing from my lips to my vital organs.
I felt the warmth move through my body…
Settling in my belly button with a pleasant glow.
When it moved lower between my legs I felt like…
"Wow! I can't wait to tell Michael about this!"
As the intensity grew I got excited about “showing him" how happy this tea made me.
I knew he'd love it…
We’d have one heck of a BD after work!
After that first mug of Fertile Mama Tea, Michael and I grew closer again.
Getting pregnant wasn’t the ONLY thing in my life anymore.
Thanks to Fertile Mama Tea and the 4 phase meditations…
I felt great.
Michael looked happier too.
Both of us were both more relaxed and spontaneous.
We loved to “play honeymoon” without keeping track on a calendar.
In fact, our love life was better than ever.
I still longed to be pregnant, but deep down I knew it would happen.
I simply trusted my Fertile Mama Tea and the meditations to bring us a baby.
And after about 3 months…
Thinking about it, I don’t know if it was the 4 phase meditations…
Or the Fertile Mama Tea…
Or both together.
All I know is after two years of infertility stress…
I have a baby on the way!
Thanks to this story Ariele Myers doesn’t want her Fertility Meditations to be accidentally overlooked.
That’s why she created a new Baby Bundle:
Based on feedback from prior purchasers this bundle should become a winner!
This is how it breaks down:
Even though all prices are going up, Ariele discounted this bundle to keep it at the minimum to qualify for free shipping.
Whether you’ve struggled with infertility for years or are just getting started, this bundle can help.